Abbas Kourkouri, also known as Mojahed, was born on May 2, 1983, and is from Izeh. His father’s name is Abolghasem. He has six sisters and is unmarried. The Iranian judiciary has charged him with Moharebeh (waging war on God) and sentenced him to death.
On December 20, 2022, Counter Intelligence forces, armed with heavy weapons, attacked the village of Par Surakh near Izeh, where Mojahed and his friends were staying. During this attack, Hossein Saeedi and Mahmoud Ahmadi were killed, and Mojahed Kourkouri was arrested.
Official Iranian media released a video of this attack entitled “The Operation of Arresting Kian Pirfalak’s Murderers.” They claimed these individuals had opened fire at the Pirfalk family’s car and carried out terrorist operations in Izeh.
However, the people of Izeh have testified in a statement and sworn that the killing of Kian Pirfalk, was not committed by Hassan Saeedi, Mahmoud Ahmadi, and Mojahed Kourkouri.
In a video posted on his Instagram, Maysam Pirfalk, Kian Pirfalak’s father, announced: “I seek justice for my son. I have not filed and will not file any complaint against Mojahed Kourkouri and other guys in Izeh, because my wife and I witnessed with our own eyes that security forces, under the command of Sardar Eidi Alipour, opened a barrage of fire on our car, wounding me, and killing my son.”
“According to the indictment issued for Abbas Kourkouri, he is accused of Moharebeh (through using weapons to kill and intimidate people), corruption on Earth (through committing a crime by shooting with firearms), disruption of order, and inflicting significant damages on the physical integrity (of persons), causing the deaths of seven people, including Kian Pirfalak, and inflicting significant damage to public and private property, formation of and membership in an insurgent group, and participating in armed rebellion against the state.”
Court Verdict:
According to the indictment issued by the Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz on April 7, 2023, Abbas Kourkouri has been sentenced to death on charges including “Moharebeh (waging war on God) and Corruption on Earth.” The verdict is not final and can be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Mojahed Kourkouri has been deprived of having a chosen lawyer and denied access to a fair trial since his arrest until his death sentence was issued. Recently, upon the request of Kian Pirfalak’s family, their lawyer, Davoud Shahvali, has accepted to represent Mojahed Kourkouri.
Forced Confessions:
According to close relatives of Mojahed Kourkouri, he has been subjected to severe torture to extract false confessions from him. All his charges are based on coerced confessions obtained through physical and psychological torture. The use of torture to extract false confessions from prisoners is prevalent in Iranian prisons, serving to confirm the narratives of security agencies in Iran.
Prisoner’s Situation:
According to a source close to the Kourkouri family, Mojahed Kourkouri has been continuously subjected to severe torture during his detention. He is currently in critical physical condition. Recently, he went unconscious in his cell for several days because the prison authorities forced him to consume a drug.
Currently, Kourkouri’s case has been referred to Tehran, and no information has been provided to his family regarding the branch handling his case. The authorities do not allow the family to follow up on the status of his case.
Despite the passage of six months since the arrest and detention of Mojahed Kourkouri, his family has only had one brief face-to-face meeting with him.
In the evening of November 16, 2022, Kian Pirfalak and his parents and younger brother were going back home in their car when they were targeted and killed by the Iranian regime’s government forces in their hometown, Izeh.