Hamidreza Amini, a Telegram channel administrator, was detained on December 2, 2017. He was illegally transferred to Fashafuyeh Prison a few days ago from Evin Prison and has started a hunger strike. Hamidreza has been charged with publishing lies, blasphemy and insulting the officials of the Islamic Republic. His wife, Sudabeh Namdar Zanganeh, said that she had gone to court every day during this time but was not given any answers. “They told me to go home and not say anything. If you say something (they told me), you will also be put behind bars,” she said.
According to Sudabeh Namdar Zanganeh, Hamidreza went on a dry hunger strike on February 17. His health deteriorated and he passed out two times. He has been told to introduce the other admins of his Telegram channel in order for them to comply with his demands.
Iran Human Rights Monitor website is dedicated to support the Iranian people’s struggle for human rights and amplifies their voices on the international stage. Its purpose is to cover executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and amputation, prison’s conditions, women, social, ethnic and religious minorities oppression news in Iran and fill the gaps in information and knowledge caused by lack of access and freedom to Iran. The information provided by Iran Human Rights Monitor are in collaboration with the NCRI (National Council of Resistance of Iran)