The Iranian Supreme Court turned down the appeal by Hamed Qareh Oghlani after only five days.
Hamed Qareh Oghlani is sentenced to 13 years in prison. The 41st Branch of the Supreme Court upheld the ruling on February 8, 2021, and issued it electronically on February 16, 2021.
The 2nd Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia convened on September 28, 2020. It sentenced Hamed Qareh Oghlani to death on the charge of Moharebeh (waging war on God) through membership in the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, for the first part of his case. The second part of the case accuses Mr. Qareh Oghlani of participating in military course, attacking Bassij bases, propaganda against the state, insulting the sanctities, insulting the mullahs’ leader, for which he is sentenced to 14 years and 1 month in prison. The Court finally sentenced Hamed Qareh Oghlani to 13 years in prison, and 13 months for insulting the mullahs’ leader, which amounts to a total of 14 years and one month.
The lawyer of Mr. Qareh Oghlani had objected these rulings, saying that his client was not in a sound mental condition, and had accepted the responsibility of things he had not done under duress.
According to Article 134 of the Islamic Punishment Code, the lengthier sentence of 13 years is going to be implemented for him.
Born on July 8, 1986 in Urmia, Hamed Qareh Oghlani was a student of master’s degree in computer architecture from Beheshti University. He had to leave school in 2016 due to financial straits. He subsequently traveled to Turkey for some time. He installed closed-circuit security cameras for a living.
Agents of the Intelligence Minsitry arrested Hamed Qareh Oghlani on June 27, 2020, and took him to the detention center of Urmia’s intelligence department. On July 16, his interrogations finished and the authorities sent him to ward 3 of the Central Prison of Urmia.