In the early morning of Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Amir Shahbazi, 37 years old, committed suicide in a solitary cell in Urmia Central Prison by consuming pills. Unfortunately, due to delays in taking him to hospital, he lost his life.
Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) was told by a knowledgeable source that Amir Shahbazi had been transferred to solitary confinement in Urmia Central Prison on the orders of prison officials after discovering that he had a mobile phone. The prisoner had warned yesterday that he would commit suicide if transferred to solitary confinement.
At 2 a.m. on Wednesday, January 17, the guards became aware of his suicide attempt, but they failed to immediately transfer him to hospital. Unfortunately, he lost his life shortly afterward.
Mr. Shahbazi was from Urmia and in 2016, he was arrested on charges of theft. After months of uncertainty in Urmia Prison, he was sentenced by the criminal court of that city to have his right hand’s four fingers amputated. He had been imprisoned for over 7 years.