New persecutions on Iran’s Baha’i community
A member of Iran’s Baha’i community was arrested on March 16th and released a day later . Kourosh Sedghi had ...
Read moreDetailsIranian Baha’is are deprived of freedom of religion as stated in Article 18 of the Core International Human Rights Treaties.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.”
Unofficial sources say that there are more than 300,000 people following the Baha’i Faith in Iran. However, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran only recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism and does not recognize Bahaism.
Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, Baha’is have been systematically persecuted as a matter of government policy. During the first decade of this persecution, more than 200 of Iranian Baha’is were killed or executed. Hundreds more were tortured or imprisoned, and tens of thousands lost jobs, access to education, and other rights – all solely because of their religious belief.
The persecution of Baha’is is still ongoing with dozens of Bahais languishing in prisons throughout Iran.
A member of Iran’s Baha’i community was arrested on March 16th and released a day later . Kourosh Sedghi had ...
Read moreDetailsLisa Tebianian, a member of Iran’s Baha’i community, was arrested in a raid on her house. Security agents inspected and ...
Read moreDetailsOn Thursday two businesses owned by followers of the Baha’i faith, Farid and Farnoosh Pashayi, were shut down in Karaj, ...
Read moreDetailsA member of Iran’s Bahai community has been sentenced by the 28th Branch of the Tehran Court headed by judge ...
Read moreDetailsNazanin Nikoseresht, a freshman student at the College of Literature in Shiraz, who follows the Baha’i faith, was expelled after ...
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Iran Human Rights Monitor website is dedicated to support the Iranian people’s struggle for human rights and amplifies their voices on the international stage. Its purpose is to cover executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and amputation, prison’s conditions, women, social, ethnic and religious minorities oppression news in Iran and fill the gaps in information and knowledge caused by lack of access and freedom to Iran. The information provided by Iran Human Rights Monitor are in collaboration with the NCRI (National Council of Resistance of Iran)
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