Abdolreza Akbari Monfared, victim of 1988 massacre
Abdolreza Akbari Monfared was born in 1963 in Atabak district, south-east Tehran. His friends used to call him Abdi. He...
Read moreDetailsAbdolreza Akbari Monfared was born in 1963 in Atabak district, south-east Tehran. His friends used to call him Abdi. He...
Read moreDetailsReza Zand was born in 1959 in Shiraz, Iran.He was an electrical engineer student when he was arrested in 1981....
Read moreDetailsMansour Paydar was born in 1950 in Kashan, Iran.He had to work hard from his childhood to earn a living...
Read moreDetailsReza Tarshizi was born in 1955. He was a member of the Muslim Students Association when he was studding architectural...
Read moreDetailsArjang Ramagi Abkenari was born in 1962 in Khoi, northwest Iran. He was a supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization...
Read moreDetailsEsmail Mirbagheri Tabatabai was born in 1959 in Herazjan, Iran. In 1978 during the revolution against monarchy when he was...
Read moreDetailsHossein Niakan was born in 1963 in Tehran, Iran. He was 15 when he learned about PMOI through his uncle...
Read moreDetailsAmir Mehran Bigham was born in 1963 in Tehran, Iran. He was arrested in 1982 for a peaceful demonstration in...
Read moreDetailsHossein Mirzaie was born in 1955 in a village in Hamedan, Iran. He was accepted into a university in 1974,...
Read moreDetailsRoghieh Akbari Monfared was arrested on September 25, 1981, on the seventh night of mourning for her brother, Alireza, who...
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Iran Human Rights Monitor website is dedicated to support the Iranian people’s struggle for human rights and amplifies their voices on the international stage. Its purpose is to cover executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and amputation, prison’s conditions, women, social, ethnic and religious minorities oppression news in Iran and fill the gaps in information and knowledge caused by lack of access and freedom to Iran. The information provided by Iran Human Rights Monitor are in collaboration with the NCRI (National Council of Resistance of Iran)
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